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Hi, I'm Mr. Kirk P. Clark.

My name is Kirk Clark and I am a teacher / coach at North Butler Elementary School in Allison, Iowa. I currently teach in the 5th and 6th grade levels which includes the subjects of Reading and Social Studies. My coaching responsibilities include Middle School Boys and Girls and High School Boys and Girls Cross Country, and High School Boys Track.  Other duties include driving school bus as a substitute driver and athletic team driver. I also work at Wartburg College during the summer months taking care of the 130 acres of lawn around the campus. Another summer duty includes managing the "NB Friends of Music" Butler Country Fair Food Stand.
I graduated from Osage High School in Osage, Iowa, in May of 1988. After high school I attended NIACC in Mason City, Iowa, graduating in 1991. Upon completion of my AA degree, I transferred to UNI in Cedar Falls, Iowa, graduating in 1994 with a Bachelor's Degree in Education. I have an Elementary Education Major with a Minor in Math. I also have a Social Studies Endorsement and a K-12 Athletic Coaching Endorsement.
I married MaTina Kisley, also of Osage, on August 25, 1990. She taught English at Allison-Bristow and North Butler Schools for 15 years and was also a K-12 guidance counselor in the district as well.  She currently works as the Registrar at Wartburg College in Waverly, IA.  We also have two beautiful children, our amazing girl Addyson and our talented boy Dawson.  I now have an awesome son-in-law Clay and a very precious little grandchild whose name is Zade.

Mrs. MaTina R. Clark (below)



Mr. Kirk P. Clark

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